Here some Keyboard Shortcuts which can help you to navigate faster through the browsers.So start using these shortcuts and surprise the noobs and make them to ask "How did you do that????".
1. Ctrl+1(to 8) Navigate from 1st tab to 8th tab(counting start from left)
2. Ctrl+9 Navigate Last tab
3. Ctrl+Tab Navigate next (just right) tab
4. Ctrl+Shift+Tab Navigate previous (just left) tab
5. Ctrl+W Close the current tab
6. Ctrl+T Open new tab
7. Ctrl+Shift+T Open recently closed tab
8. Ctrl+N Open New Window
9. Alt+F4 Close the current window
10. Alt+Left Arrow Back (same as Backspace)
11. Alt+Right Arrow Forward (same as Shift+Backspace )
12. F5 Reload the current tab
13. Shift+F5 Reload the current tab without fetching from Cache
14. Esc Stop loading the current page
15. Alt+Home Open Homepage in current tab
16. Ctrl + '+'(Ctrl and +) Zoom in
17. Ctrl + '-'(Ctrl and -) Zoom out
19. Ctrl+0 Default Zoom
20. F11 Full Screen
21. Space scroll down(same as PageDown)
22. Shift+Space scroll up(same as PageUp)
23. Home Jump at the starting of the page
24. End Jump at the end of the page
25. Ctrl+L Go to the url bar and select existed url
26. Ctrl+Enter Add "www." prefix and ".com" sffix to the typed url. For example,type google into the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to open
27. Ctrl+Left Click To open the link in a new tab
28. Ctrl+F Search on the page
29. Ctrl+J Download Page
30. Ctrl+H History
31. Ctrl+D Bookmark the current page
32. Ctrl+P Print the current page
33. Ctrl+S Save the current page
34. Ctrl+U Open the source code of the current page
35. F12 Open developer tools(Requires add-on's like firebug etc.)
36. F6 Select and deselect current url.
37. Tab Only for Chrome: If you are logged in you can select gmail link by pressing just Tab
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