If you are in IT and do a lot of stuff on terminal, this is the post for you. In the following post, we will explore various key shortcuts to jump and edit on console.
Note:- Short keys may behave differnt on differnt OS systems. These keys best work with Linux sytem, For mac OS you have to enable Option key as Meta key in case of Alt. I have never checked these on windows, Please share your experinece with windows in comments.
Boya ByM1 Auxiliary Omnidirectional Lavalier Condenser Microphone with 20ft Audio Cable (Black) https://amzn.to/3W298Yz via @amazon
Note:- Short keys may behave differnt on differnt OS systems. These keys best work with Linux sytem, For mac OS you have to enable Option key as Meta key in case of Alt. I have never checked these on windows, Please share your experinece with windows in comments.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit Control Move forward one char: Ctrl + f Move backward one char: Ctrl + b Move forward one word: Alt + f Move backward one word: Alt + b Move to end: Ctrl + e #Like End Move to start: Ctrl + a #Like Home Jump toggle between current location and start: Ctrl + xx Delete forward one char: Ctrl + d #Like Delete Delete backward one char: Ctrl + h #Like Backspace Delete forward one word: Alt + d Delete backward one word: Ctrl + w Delete to end: Ctrl + k Delete to start: Ctrl + u Undo: Ctrl + `-` Swap the last two characters before the cursor: Ctrl + t Swap the current word with the previous word: Alt + t Capitalize the character under the cursor: Alt + c Capitalize every character from the cursor to the end of the current word: Alt + u ------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen Control Clear the screen: Ctlr + l Stop output on the screen: Ctrl + s Resume output on the screen: Ctrl + q Kill the process: Ctrl + c Close the bash shell: Ctrl + d Suspend the current foreground process: Ctrl + z Reverse search through command history: Ctrl + r Leave search without executing command: Ctrl + g -------------------------------------------------------------------The above short keys and their description are self explanatory. Please feel free to comment for new ideas or doubts.
Boya ByM1 Auxiliary Omnidirectional Lavalier Condenser Microphone with 20ft Audio Cable (Black) https://amzn.to/3W298Yz via @amazon
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