Error parsing XML, line 653, column 90: The reference to entity "skin" must end with the ';' delimiter.
In the following post we will look up an error, heading of the post. If you are trying to insert some code in a web project,an existing website or blogger template. The following error can occur.
"Error parsing XML, line 653, column 90: The reference to entity "skin" must end with the ';' delimiter."
If you go to the location in file as mentioned line number and column number(obviously line no. and column no. can be different in each case) in
the error string, You will see the html entity. HTML entity is a
symbol which you can not use directly but you have to replace the symbol with some formatted text.
For example we replace '<' with "<" (without quotes).
Here the list of html entities and their equivalent name.
Result | Description | Entity Name | Entity Number |
non-breaking space | |   | |
< | less than | < | < |
> | greater than | > | > |
& | ampersand | & | & |
¢ | cent | ¢ | ¢ |
£ | pound | £ | £ |
¥ | yen | ¥ | ¥ |
€ | euro | € | € |
© | copyright | © | © |
® | registered trademark | ® | ® |
So to get rid off from such kind of error you need to find html entity and replace it with suitable name.
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