If you are in IT and do a lot of stuff on terminal, this is the post for you. In the following post, we will explore various key shortcuts to jump and edit on console. Note:- Short keys may behave differnt on differnt OS systems. These keys best work with Linux sytem, For mac OS you have to enable Option key as Meta key in case of Alt . I have never checked these on windows, Please share your experinece with windows in comments. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit Control Move forward one char: Ctrl + f Move backward one char: Ctrl + b Move forward one word: Alt + f Move backward one word: Alt + b Move to end: Ctrl + e #Like End Move to start: Ctrl + a #Like Home Jump toggle between current location and start: Ctrl + xx Delete forward one char: Ctrl + d #Like Delete Delete backward one char: Ctrl + h #Like Backspace Delete forward one word: Alt + d Delete backward one word: Ctrl + w Delete to end: Ctrl + k Delete to start: Ctrl + u Undo: Ct...
In a MySQL database whenever we need to generate the create table query for any existing table. We can use the below query. show create table test_table; If you need to generate create table query for all the tables then the above query will be cumbersome because you have to run it for every table. We can use mysqldump to generate create table query for all the tables in one go. Open your favorite terminal and execute the below command to check if you have the mysqldump on your system. If you don't have it, please install it first. Usually, it comes with mysql-client software but check the web for more help. mysqldump --version Now you have mysqldump ready, We can use the below command to generate the create table query for all the tables. mysqldump -h ${HOST} -u ${USER} -p -d --compact --column-statistics=0 ${DB_NAME}|egrep -v "(^SET|^/\*\!)" > tables.sql ${} represents the variable you can replace with your DB config. We have used -p So it will prompt for the passwo...